About me
I am Anneli, born in Sweden and now living and working as an artist in Greece. To draw and paint has always been a passion in my life and I have created art as long as I can remember.
In recent years an idea grew to spend more of my free time creating art and learning different mediums. This is how I found my love of drawing with pencils and I am now working as a full-time color pencil artist. Color pencils have come a long way from the medium it used to be when I was small. Today high artist quality pencils have the same quality of pigment as oil paint and creates drawings with beautiful, rich colors that can last a lifetime. In addition I have also taken art lessons with two amazing award winning artists, Maria Villioti and Bonny Snowdon.
Animals of all kinds have been a love of mine since I was small and like many children I used to dream about having my own pet one day. Today we have 2 beautiful red tabby cats Bella and Lucky, two stray kittens we rescued from a life on the streets, and they are now part of our family. My love of animals is the reason why my main inspiration comes from nature and animals.

About my work
Since becoming a professional Pet Portrait Artist I have been featured in various magazines and publications listed below.

CP Treasures volume 9
Colored pencil masterworks from around the world – 2023. It's an honor to be included among the artists for the 4th time.

CP Treasures volume 8
Colored pencil masterworks from around the world – 2022. There were 800 entries submitted but only 112 artworks selected for inclusion. It's an honor to be included among the best artists for the 3rd time

CP Treasures volume 7
Colored pencil masterworks from around the world – 2020. I am selected as one of the 112 master colored pencil artists from over 900 entries.

CP Treasures volume 6
Colored pencil masterworks from around the world – 2019. I am selected as one of the 121 master colored pencil artists from over 1100 entries.

The Richeson75 International
Animals, Birds & Wildlife 2021
Two of my artworks are published in this book, and one received an Honerable mention.

Coloured pencil Magazine - Feb 2020
My artwork is included in this month's issue.

Coloured pencil Magazine - Aug 2020
I share my art and how I fell in love with colored pencil in this month's Q&A section.
A list of my Awards and achievements so far from various art competitions and exhibitions

10th Annual “All Women” Art Exhibition
Juried online exhibition by Light Space & Time– Jan 2021.
The gallery received 1,093 entries from 37 different countries from around the world
Special Merit Award.

10th Annual “All Women” Art Exhibition
Juried online exhibition by Light Space & Time– Jan 2021.
Special Recognition Award.

Virtual Equine Art show
Art of the horse competition 2020.
(Runner up)

Richeson75 Animals, Birds & Wildlife 2021
My artwork received a Honerable mention in this art contest.

Explore This! 16
Pencil Society of America online exhibition – Feb 2020. Included as one of the 69 artworks selected from 315 entries.

The Pencil Box ART SHOWCASE - March 2020 by Ann Kullberg's magazine for Colored Pencil Artists